March 31 - April 9: Michele and Alex visit
Part II: Parks
Day 4
First we had breakfast.
Here they are making dumplings. |
Then we visited the Old Summer Palace
(yuan ming yuan): |
Check out the beautiful
flowers! |
Michele on our way to the totem pole
forest island. |
Hmm...why is there a totem
pole forest in the middle of a lake in the middle of
Beijing? |
Which one is Nancy? |
A crowd of people were
fishing in the waterway. It was very serene. |
Mmm...Roasted chestnuts. So delicious! |
Michele enjoyed the rest
of the roasted chestnuts that we bought, sitting at the
side of a very lovely pond in the park. |
Michele's favorite tree: the weeping
willow. |
The summer palace just northwest of Beiing.
Look at all the koi in the water!
Climbing around the Summer
Palace. |
Michele and her weeping willow tree. |
A visual demonstration of
behind, in front of, and on top. |

Michele and Nancy eating again! This little snack was
essentially a huge hamburger bun with a dollop of red bean paste
in the middle.
Our last views of the beautiful Summer
Palace park. |
Day 5: Around and about Beijing.
Ah, soy bean milk. Michele
was drooling. |
The mouse looks a litle scared as Alex
grins maniacally. What is going to happen next? |
A stone lion and some
electric bikes. Beijing, past and present. |
Some guys were playing a little Chinese
chess on the street. |
We ended up at Zhongshan
Park. |
Enjoying a rest in the park. |
Alex played a little tennis with some local
Next up: hackey-sack. Nice
kick, Nancy! |
That's one crowded bus ... not unusual
for Beijing. |
Walking around looking for the opera house.
Tiananmen Square at dusk. We really need to
clean our camera lens!
Next stop: Beijing Opera at the Zheng Yi Ci
After searching for the opera house for literally hours, we
were sidetracked several times, but we finally found it and were
rewarded with very entertaining performances.

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