March 14 - 18: Taipei, Taiwan

From Hong Kong it's a short hour-long flight to Taipei ...

Ah...we arrived in Taipei and were taken to a luxurious hotel, the Agora Hotel. What a beautiful bouquet of fresh flowers. Nancy's dreaming again.

Roaming the streets of Taipei.

When one walks around Taipei, one is impressed by the large number of scooters used by the residents there. At a red light, all the scooters scoot to the front of the pack and then when the light turns green, the sound they produce is likened to the sound of a huge swarm of bees. We saw dogs on scooters, mothers holding their babies in one arm with the other hand on the handlebar, three person families on the scooter with the child standing at the handlebars with mom and dad on the seats...

At Nancy's grandma's home in Taipei. There's Nancy's grandma and her uncle.

From left to right, back to front: Nancy's mom, dad, older uncle, younger uncle, Jen, Bryan, grandma, Nancy.

The view from our hotel apartment. What a cool little communal garden happening on the empty lot!

Superman's Wedding

Nancy's uncle is affectionately known within the family as "Superman", and the reason for our trip to Taiwan was his wedding.

The bride and groom's parents were on the stage.
Here comes the bride and groom...
The happy couple!

Aren't Nancy's parents cute?

Happy Jen, on spring break, and mom.

Here is a sampling of the delicious dishes we ate at the wedding:


Walking in a beautiful park in Taipei, in search of cherry blossoms.

Look closely, you can see a little cocker spaniel riding on the footrest area.

Another delicious meal with Nancy's relatives. This time it was a Taiwanese vegetarian spread for Nancy's new aunt's Buddist friends.

Nancy's mom with her two brothers and Nancy's grandmother.
Did you know that McDonald's has a college? We didn't ...
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On to: Guilin

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